Me and All Oberkassel
Me and All Oberkassel
Hansaallee 1a
40549 Dusseldorf
General questions to the hotel
Phone: +49 211 54014 300
Reservation requests & changes
Phone: +49 211 54014 310
Phone: +49 211 44755 400
Conferences, seminars, events
Phone: +49 211 54014 302
Welcome to Hansaallee 1a on Düsseldorf's Belsenplatz! A wonderful, super lively and trendy place where you feel at home in no time at all. Here, at the me and all hotel Düsseldorf-Oberkassel, quirky and comfortable living awaits you in 249 rooms with cool bathrooms and unusual interior design.
Our bright lounge offers you ideal conditions for creative thinking and working processes and super casual meet-and-greet. Just the way you want it, with a touch of the Big Apple! The large, stylish bar and the fantastic Cucina Italiana from MEZZOMAR are a throbbing lounge heart.
Oberkassel is one of the most exclusive residential areas in Düsseldorf and is full of art, scene, life and energy. From here, you can reach every corner of Düsseldorf in no time if you want to leave Oberkassel. Because Oberkassel is a great village within the village. Here you can find everything and everyone, the atmosphere ranges from sophisticated to hip to cozy.
Willkommen zu unserer exklusiven Modemesse in Düsseldorf und München, Deutschland. Mit einer reichen Geschichte und einer starken Mission widmen wir uns der Präsentation der neuesten Trends und der Vernetzung von Unternehmen in der Modeindustrie.